It would seem the gallon jug of water may be every athlete’s favorite accessory! Is it a trend, a fad, or do they know something we don’t??

The truth is, sufficient hydration or fluid intake is crucial to staying healthy. Fluids maintain the function of body systems, they flush out bacteria, transport nutrients throughout your body and help keep your poops regular!
Fluids also help regulate your body temperature and during the hotter months of the year, your fluid needs may increase due to sweating more than normal.
Did you know that as you exercise, your muscles generate heat?! The body has to expel this heat and it does this through sweating!
When it’s warmer out, or the activities that are causing you to sweat are prolonged, you’ll sweat more than what you normally would and this drops your total fluid levels in your body. This alone is enough to disrupt many crucial bodily functions. That said, your fluid needs may change from time - to - time.
In addition, insufficient fluid intake can cause an imbalance in essential electrolytes which also play a huge role in fluid regulation and bodily functions.
So it’s safe to assume that gallon jug of water may be one of the first recommendations given to such athletes by their coaches or physician! Not just a fad, rather it is necessary for your health! But do you really have to start lugging around a gallon jug every day?! Probably not, unless you choose to.
Check out this article from the Cleveland Clinic!
This article from Harvard Health!
What's the Best Drink for Me?

It may be helpful to understand that while not all fluids hydrate the same, all fluids DO count! From fluids contained in your food or used in food preparation, to the water contained in all drinks from milk to juice to coffee or tea. It is important to note that if you drink 8 oz of juice, you did not consume 8 oz of fluid, there’s sugar and such that accounts for some of that volume.
In some instances, fluids containing electrolytes may be necessary or at least beneficial.
So how much is enough?

There are so many factors that could affect what is right for you, from your age, activity level, type of activity, medications you may be taking and certain medical conditions, so you should definitely check with your doctor to find out what the ideal amount of fluids is for you, as well as whether or not consuming additional electrolytes would be beneficial to you.

With so many things to track and remember these days, you can take this one out of your memory bank! Let the app do the work! Start a streak for added motivation, get fun little reminders and rewards!
Check Out My Water Balance Here
*The resources and links listed are only suggested as sources for further exploration. They do not necessarily imply endorsement.